When is GDV approval required?

Only products placed on the market and sold with the purpose of use with drinking water, are subjected to the requirement of approval.

Components covered by the approval requirement

The scheme applies to e.g. faucets, fittings and other building materials.

Factory-made construction products are covered by the rules if:

  • The building component is in contact with the cold drinking water.
  • The building component is located from the entrance to the property (skel) up to and including the tapping point.
  • The building componont is part of the fixed drinking water installation.

The Danish Safety Technology Authority has prepared a booklet on when a construction product is in contact with drinking water. The leaflet is linked to below.

Link to the leaflet

  • Hose kits (hoses with fittings in both ends)
  • Pipes made of plastic/elstomers
  • Pipes of metal
  • Fittings of plastic/elastomers
  • Fittings of metal
  • Fittings of metal and plastic/elastomers
  • Manifolds of metal
  • Manifolds of plastic/elastomers
  • Valves of metal and plastic/elastomers
  • Valves of plastic/elastomers
  • Metal valves
  • Metal and plastic/elastomer valves
  • Plastic/elastomer valves
  • Water treatment device
  • Drinking water coolers
  • Water meters
  • Filters
  • Sealant and lining

Sealing products and pipe liners made of plastics/elastomers

Building components that are used as a permanent or temporary repair of leaking water pipes, such as collar leak clamps and repair clamps when they are part of or connected to the permanent pipework in a housing area from the property boundary to the draining point and thereby come into contact with drinking water.

Components not covered by or excempted from the approval requirement

  • Building components made of pure copper.
  • Building components made of electric or hot-dip zinc plated steel/ galvanized steel.
  • Building components that are part of non-permanent installations, e.g. water treatment systems (water filters), cold and hot drinks machines, water coolers, ice cube machines, refrigerators and freezers with water coolers, etc. Such building components that are not requiring approval for use with drinking water can be subject to documentation requirements in accordance with other legislations, e.g. the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's requirement for food contact materials
  • Building components that are installed as part of the fixed installation, but are solely placed on the market or sold in Denmark for purposes other than for use in connection with drinking water, e.g. "outdoor valves", taps for boiling water, taps for showers, when they are solely placed on the market or sold for other purposes (e.g. bidets, showers, tubs and boiling water)
  • Chrome-plated compression nuts for joints between galvanised pipes and copper pipes that do not come into contact with drinking water.
  • Built-in cisterns, toilets and corresponding connection hoses where draining points are not part of the installation.
  • Water heaters, hot water tanks, water cookers and boiling water storage heaters that do not lead (cold) drinking water to the draining points
  • Building components or components thereof made of stainless steel alloys EN 1.4000-1.4999
  • Air mixers intended to be incorporated into a fixture
  • Cartridges in fixtures and drain valves
  • Building component with no significant contact with drinking water in terms of time, i.e. less than 30 minutes at a time, e.g. aerators.
  • Building component assessed as not having or having only marginal contact with drinking water in terms of area, e.g:
    • O-rings, flax/hemp, jointing compounds, tap lubricant, PTFE tape for threaded joints, sealing cord for threaded joints, adhesive and other anaerobic sealants used in threaded joints, solder, thread cutting lubricant, friction agent for plastic pipes.
    • Building components that are used as a permanent or temporary repair of leaking water pipes, such as collar leak clamps and repair clamps, but alone are intended for the repair of such small leaks that the product has no or only a very marginal contact with drinking water.

If in doubt as to whether a building component is covered by the Executive Order, please see the Guidelines or contact the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing.


The Danish Safety Technology Authority has made a pamphlet covering when building components are in contact with drinking water.

Link to pamphlet